Torricella (Turesela)
Deve il nome ad una torre, ancora in parte esistente, al centro della frazione. Torre che un tempo era molto più alta ed in collegamento visivo con le altre postazioni della zona, facenti parte del sistema difensivo del Ducato di Milano.
Così chiamata per distinguerla dalla più importante Torre, la Torricella era di fatto una torre di guardia con annesse delle costruzioni adibite a prigione.
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Elle doit son nom à une tour, qui existe encore aujourd’hui, et qui se trouve au centre de la fraction. Cette tour, qui était beaucoup plus haute auparavant, était liée aux autres emplacements de la zone qui faisaient parti du système de défense du duché de Milano.
Torricella, appelée ainsi pour la distinguer de la tour la plus importante, était une tour de garde avec des constructions annexes destinées aux prisonniers.
Little Tower (Torricella)
The hamlet was named after the little tower still standing at the centre of the group of houses. Today a private house, the tower was taller than today. It was built to have a visual connection with the other lookout points in the area which were part of the Milan Dukedom defensive system.
The name “Torricella” (little tower) was given to distinguish it from the more important “Tower”.
“Torricella” was a watch tower part of a complex of buildings that included also other constructions used as prisons.
Pagina aggiornata il 21/03/2023